Welcome to Fly Out,
Any use of the site constitutes acceptance of this agreement including its terms and restrictions.
The terms of use may change from time to time and it is the user's responsibility to review them upon each visit to the site. Browsing the site and/or using it in any way constitutes agreement to the terms of this agreement and commitment to act accordingly. Please note that this agreement constitutes a legally binding contract for all intents and purposes and obligates the user in all their interactions with the site.
The masculine language used in this agreement is for convenience only and the agreement applies equally to both genders.
Services provided through the website are subject to the terms detailed in this agreement.
By ordering services on the site the customer declares that they have read understood and agreed to the instructions of this agreement. The agreement constitutes a binding contract between the user and the site's management.
Services - The website provides flight tickets for example which are not real tickets.
Services can be ordered through the website and are non-refundable.
Payment for site services can be made via credit card Apple Pay Google Pay and Bit subject to site management approval.
Service prices include VAT according to tax law.
The site management reserves the right to terminate its services at any time.
Cancellations and changes to service types -
Upon completing the order the service is immediately provided and you will receive a copy of the ticket by email.
No refunds are available for services rendered.
The site provides a flight ticket for example and use of this ticket is at the user's own risk.
Service delivery policy -
The submission process is immediate.
Upon submission you will receive a copy of the flight ticket for example within moments.
Information security and privacy
The site's management as well as affiliated companies and other subsidiary entities acting on behalf of the company are authorized to use the information provided on the form to provide you with the requested information and services. This personal information will not be disclosed used for marketing purposes without permission or transferred to third parties without explicit consent from the customer.
The content of the service and disclosure of personal information during the service will never be disclosed to any other person or entity without written approval from the customer. The site's management is committed to your privacy and this privacy is our top priority.
The company commits not to use the information provided by the buyers unless to enable the purchase on the sales site and in accordance with any law.
By clicking on the payment button I confirm my order.
The site is secured using advanced security measures aimed at ensuring proper use and secure browsing on the site and to protect user privacy. Every user of the site and its services undertakes not to engage in any activity that disrupts the site's operations steals user information or breaches the site's security mechanisms.
In case of misuse the site's management will take legal action against any activity in any way in accordance with the site's legal activities against the user if it operates as a.
Intellectual property -
All rights to the intellectual property of this website including copyright distribution rights commercial secrets trademarks and any intellectual property of any kind relating to the design and page of the website are the exclusive property of the site's management.
It is forbidden to copy duplicate distribute publish or use in any other way any information from the site and/or the site unless prior written permission is given by the site's management.
Law and jurisdiction -
This agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with Israeli law only
Contact -
For any questions and inquiries please contact the site management via email at flyoutservice@gmail.com